Monday, May 10, 2010

On March 24, 1989 I lost my only sun he was only 22 years old. For 2 months no one did nothing about his death and the deaths of the other 10 people. I was not allowed to go and visit were my sun died because the people responsible said that there was nothing to see there. the only think that i want is fro the people responsible to be brought to justice. another thing that i would like for the people responsible is to put up a memorial were my sun died and were the other 10 people died. i devistated when i herd that my only sun .

Thursday, April 29, 2010


Today i went to a local market and i was informed by the owner of the market that in three weeks the market was going to close. I asked the owner why was he going to close the market and he told me that because all the items that are transported from other countries or states are now to expensive to transport them the his market. Almost all of the products that he brings to the market are from other countries or stated and all the items are fresh foods like fish, meet, vegetables, and fruits. I was impress how most of the thing we buy are from other countires or states like for example bananas come from Guatemala and they travel 2199miles to get to our local maket.

Monday, April 26, 2010

Saudi Arabia

I did not know that Saudi Arabia is currently the largest producer oil in the world. I wonder how Saudi Arabia is now the largest producer of oil in the world. I also wonder why does Saudi Arabia has so much oil. If Saudi Arabia is the largest producer of oil in the world how come Saudi Arabia sales the gas fro a higher price to the other countires.


What will happen if the world ran out of candles? if all the lights go out, how will we have light if there are no candles to light our homes?


Today in the morning i was going to go to the gas station to pomp some gas in to the car because i was going to visit my uncle which lives about 45min away from were i live. On the way to the gas station i saw from a block away from the gas station that there were about 40-50 cars in a line trying to get some gas. When i reached the gas I was informed that there was no more gas in that gas station or in any gas station worldwide. I was devastated because there was no more gas and because i was now i was not able to visit my uncle.